I try to explain the divine comedy part 1

Hey, guys, it’s me. today I’m gonna try to explain Dante’s Inferno.im not gonna do it all in one piece because it’s in a poem with a lot of old English. Also, note that Dantes Inferno was written in the 1300s and he was very bias of Greek heroes. I might not get all the details correct but I’m gonna try tackling anyway this here I go.

The story starts off with the main character Dante in a forest the forest is symbolic of sin and he is walking through it super depressed. I think he did some sin and was very depressed because he was about in his 30s and in the 1300s the maximum age was like 70 so he was like “Ugh *sob *sob I am halfway to death.” He was walking and saw a she-wolf a panther and I think a lion appeared to. Once again symbolic of sin. There was a rocky mountain and there was a person named Virgi appears and he isn’t really an angel he would be like a ghost in the story he`s kind of like a guardian of Dante.

 virgil kinda I drew it


Dante admired Virgil and Virgil said something like “In order to get saved I’m gonna show you through hell, purgatory, and heaven.” He also makes a point to mention that I can only guide you through hell and purgatory the rest of the way is from an angel called Beatrice. I think this is symbolic of human reason and human reason has no right to heaven I don’t know. So that’s the setup of the story.

They travel to hell for there the first obstacle. Dante and Virgil have to go through the first gate of hell and I need to mention that hell is a physical place and located under the holy city of Jerusalem, hell is shaped like a humongous funnel that goes into the center of the earth. and on the other side is mount purgatory.

Dante goes through vestivle which is not technically hell but the outskirts of hell and it’s like the nicest part of hell there’s buildings and everything but the punishment is no salvation from God so they can’t be saved by God and they will spend eternity there people go there when they die before Jesus christ was born and people who don’t follow Christianity.


Well that’s it for now until next time

Manga reveiw #1: Onepeice

Hello, it’s me I’m gonna start a new series called Manga review its a series where I review different kinds of manga and give an opinion on them. The Genre of most of them is gonna be shounen meaning printed in a shounen magazine.

Id likes to start off the series with one of my favorite Manga and franchise of all time it is called Onepeice by Eiichiro Oda. Before I talk about it here’s a bit of an early summary. One piece starts off in a tiny peaceful little village in the little village is a man called Luffy who wants to become the king of the pirates because he was inspired by a person names Shanks. When Luffy is 17 he goes on all sort of funny and cool adventures to find the greatest treasure of all the one piece. Hence the name one piece.

/www.deviantart.com Tondo007

The first thing I’m gonna talk about is the excellent work of characters that Oda puts in his series one of my favorites is Sanji he is the cook of the straw hat crew (The one with the blond hair.)and he is also a ladies man but he is also a prince of a kingdom  called Germa 66 which is one of the strongest nations in the North blue, a sea in the one piece world. He also rivals with a guy named Zoro the swordsman of the crew ( The guy with green hair.) who uses SANTORYU which is 3 sword style that can cut a building in half. See what I mean and that’s like a brief summary of it. Another thing I like about it is the world building in the series,

I would recommend it because of countless genres in the series like Drama, Action, Gag, Adventure and maybe even horror. right now as I’m writing this there are 930 chapters of it and its still going on i like everything about it I like the pacing, characterization, the worldbuilding, the Art, the gags, the suspense, the adventure, REUSING characters, Heck even the volume covers is what I enjoy and recommend one piece.




I don’t own any of these pictures




week 10 audit

Hey, guys, it’s me HMSethan here and I’m gonna do week 10 audit, let us get started

  • How many weeks of the challenge did you participate in?

I participated in 4 sbc weeks 8, 7, 6, and 5

  • How many posts did you write in the ten week period?

I wrote about 4 posts in the period

  • How many comments did you receive from classmates, teachers, or other visitors?

I got 1 from the outside and 1 from my fellow classmates

  • Which post did you enjoy writing the most and why?

the post I liked writing the most is a post called Money, Money, Money. I liked it because it was fun coming up with random ways to get money

  • Which web tools did you use to show creativity on your blog?

Not much I sometimes draw some pictures customary for my post

  • What are your plans for your blog now? Will you keep posting?

Yes, I will keep blogging the SBC weeks but that is pretty much it


  I drew this 🙂



In this interview, I interviewed my dad

  1. What were your first impressions of this blog?

My dad said this “The wallpaper looks funny especially the dog.”

2. What captured your attention?

This is what my dad said: “The thumbnails of the blog.”

3. What distracted you on the blog?

“Nothing really.”My dad said

4. What suggestions can you give me to improve my blog?

“Maybe have more posts and start doing more SBCS!!!!!!!!” my dad said


Well that’s it for this week seeya


week 8 celebrations

  1. Our whole family celebrates Christmas on December 25 we celebrate it for Jesus Christs birthday by hanging stockings and eating gingerbread cookies and giving out presents, My cousins and family come over for Christmas dinner. I had a special memory by getting my first ever nerf gun from Christmas.  I made this picture myself
  2.  My family also celebrates Thanksgiving in which we give thanks to the pilgrims and stuff. We celebrate it on November 22. It’s a big feast we have with turkey and mash potatoes.

3. My family celebrates the new year with a huge party on January 1st we use firecrackers and we stay up to  12 we also watch the fireworks and we celebrate it with family and friends.

     something like that

That’s what I think my family celebrates on the top of my head


Links: sketch.io


WEEK 7: Free choice

Hey guys for the Sbc week 7 and I’m gonna talk about what interests me chess.

Chess interests me cause of the puzzle with over 100 starting moves there’s a moving pattern to checkmate your opponent in 4 moves. Its also fun I used to go to a chess class and I played at least 2 hours of chess a day and it’s a way to get new friends.

I even traveled onetime in 5th grade, I went to Nashville, Tennessee and played there but I didn’t do so good. But it was still fun anyway me and my friends were doing all kinds of fun stuff. I also like it cause people to get so competitive when there doing chess and its fun when I beat them. I also like it because people get so cocky.

Drawing I made myself

That is why chess interests me ,

Science (SBC)

A is for Atoms: building block of matter

B is for bacteria: a large group of unicellular microorganisms

C is for chemistry: potions and stuff

D is for  definition: The meaning of something

E is for Endoplasmic reticulum: The shell of a cell

F is for factors: number or quantity

G is for granite: pencil

H is for the hypothesis:  A educated guess

I is for inference; A assumption

J is for Jupiter: a planet in the solar system

K is for kinetic energy: energy that a body possesses by virtue of being in motion.

L is for luna: moon

M is for math: sciences toolbox

N is for nocturnal: animals that can see at nice

O is for observation: observing

P is for physical science: force and motion

Q is for question: a sentence worded or expressed so as to elicit information.

R is for rocket: vehicle to fly into space

T is for technology:

U is for Uranus: 7th planet from the sun

v is for vessel:

w is for wing: to fly

x is for xylophone: to see the bones

y is for yellow: a primary color

z is for zoology: the study of  animals

this is a picture I made myself

I chose to do A-Z for the SBC because I thought it was the easiest, to be honest then I realized it’s not the SBC choice 4 is hard and my teacher said to do 3 paragraphs so here it is.



Money, Money, Money

DO you know what time it is, its MONAY  TIme BAybee. Money, Money, Money, Money, Money, Money time baybee.

So for week 9 I’m gonna be talking about some money and stuff. Well here it is, Today I’m gonna tell you how to earn some hard cold moolah. So first this is what you need to do. So if your ever short on cash read this blog.

So here is a list of 30 things you need to do to get some money

  1. Ask your mom
  2. Ask your dad
  3. Ask your grandma
  4. Ask your grandpa
  5. Ask your relatives
  6. Beg for money
  7. Play an instrument for the money
  8. PLay video games
  9. Become a streamer
  10. Beg for money
  11. Do stuff for money
  12. USe the bank
  13. win the lottery
  14. Sell your car
  15. Sell your house
  16. Sell your tv
  17. Become a youtuber
  18. Get a job
  19. Eat a TAco for money
  20.  Train your dog to get money
  21. Train your cat to get money
  22. Train your squirrel to get money
  23. Become a millionaire
  24.  Become a billionaire
  25.  Reduce
  26. Reuse
  27. Recycle
  28. Become a chess player and participate in the blitz tournament
  29. Collect stuff and sell it
  30.  Become The god of money]

Yeah, so that’s a lot of ways to get money but wait theres more you can get money by working hard and experience. Yeah so keep working hard even go to college so you get a better job

So here is my list of 30 and yeah i hope some of it helps you later in life if you have a struggle or in a pickle well thank you for reading it until next time


sbc WEEK 7

This is what I did for week 7

first off I did emmets blog, I commented on Sean’s blog, I commented on Morgans blog I also visited or the visiting activity his was interesting cause it was about water,

Second, I did the writing activity I did Inges  example

I read some of the people who I commented on and the people who commented on me.

What I enjoyed was commenting on peoples blog. What I disliked was all the posts I had to write for week 7

Well that’s it for week 7 until next time bye