I try to explain the divine comedy part 1

Hey, guys, it’s me. today I’m gonna try to explain Dante’s Inferno.im not gonna do it all in one piece because it’s in a poem with a lot of old English. Also, note that Dantes Inferno was written in the 1300s and he was very bias of Greek heroes. I might not get all the details correct but I’m gonna try tackling anyway this here I go.

The story starts off with the main character Dante in a forest the forest is symbolic of sin and he is walking through it super depressed. I think he did some sin and was very depressed because he was about in his 30s and in the 1300s the maximum age was like 70 so he was like “Ugh *sob *sob I am halfway to death.” He was walking and saw a she-wolf a panther and I think a lion appeared to. Once again symbolic of sin. There was a rocky mountain and there was a person named Virgi appears and he isn’t really an angel he would be like a ghost in the story he`s kind of like a guardian of Dante.

 virgil kinda I drew it


Dante admired Virgil and Virgil said something like “In order to get saved I’m gonna show you through hell, purgatory, and heaven.” He also makes a point to mention that I can only guide you through hell and purgatory the rest of the way is from an angel called Beatrice. I think this is symbolic of human reason and human reason has no right to heaven I don’t know. So that’s the setup of the story.

They travel to hell for there the first obstacle. Dante and Virgil have to go through the first gate of hell and I need to mention that hell is a physical place and located under the holy city of Jerusalem, hell is shaped like a humongous funnel that goes into the center of the earth. and on the other side is mount purgatory.

Dante goes through vestivle which is not technically hell but the outskirts of hell and it’s like the nicest part of hell there’s buildings and everything but the punishment is no salvation from God so they can’t be saved by God and they will spend eternity there people go there when they die before Jesus christ was born and people who don’t follow Christianity.


Well that’s it for now until next time

One thought on “I try to explain the divine comedy part 1”

  1. Hi Ethan,
    I liked this story because it brings you through the underworld. I like how you try to explain the symbolism of the story. I can’t wait to see what happens to Dante.

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